Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

contoh RPP reading


Nama sekolah                  : SMA  ................
Mata Pelajaran                 : Bahasa Inggris
Waktu                              : 2 X 45 Menit
Kelas / semester               : X / 1
Skill                                 : Membaca (Reading)
Jenis teks                         : Recount

Standar Kompetensi
5.      Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk  recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
Kompetensi Dasar
5.2    Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan procedure
Sub Kompetensi Dasar
5.2.1   Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount
Indikator    Menentukan gagasan utama dalam teks recount    Menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks recount    Menemukan makna kata tertentu dalam teks recount    Menemukan rujukan kata dalam teks recount    Menyimpulkan isi dari teks recount
Tujuan Pembelajarn
Di akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat     :
1.         Menentukan gagasan utama dalam teks recount
2.         Menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks recount
3.         Menemukan makna kata tertentu dalam teks recount
4.         Menemukan rujukan kata dalam teks recount
5.         Menyimpulkan isi dari teks recount

Materi Pembelajaran
5.2  Recount Text

Rounded Rectangle: Recount Text
Social function : to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

Struktur         :
  1. Orientation                              :  who where involved in the story, when and where.
  2. Events                                                 : tell what happened, in what sequence.
  3. Re- orientation (optional )       : the conclusion of the experience.

Recount Text
Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping  ground  after we walked for about one and a half  hour from the parking a  lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects whole the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home.

Ø  Orientation

Ø  Complication

Ø  Resolution

Teaching Strategies
·         Three – phase technique (pre reading, whilst reading, post reading)

Media Pembelajaran
·         Gambar

Langkah - Langkah Pembelajaran
I.                   Kegiatan Pendahuluan
·         Greeting
·         Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis siswa
·         Tanya jawab seputar kegiatan yang telah dilakukan
·         Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan cakupan materi

II.                Kegiatan Inti

1.      Guru menunjukkan gambar dan meminta siswa  menjawab pertanyaan tuntunan secara aktif.
a.       Do you know what picture it is?
b.      Have you ever seen it?
c.       Where did you usually went to camping?
d.      When did you usually went to camping?
e.       Can you guess what the topic today?
f.       What is the generic structure?
g.      What is the fuction?

2.      Guru memberikan media berupa tulisan tentang recount text.
3.      Guru menjelaskan tentang generic structure dan fungsi sosial dari teks recount.
1.      Guru memberikan contoh teks recount dan meminta siswa untuk menganalisis generic structure.
2.      Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa.
3.      Siswa mendiskusikan dengan aktif  jawaban  yang benar dengan bimbingan guru.

1.      Siswa  mendapatkan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran
2.      Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa

III.             Kegiatan Penutup
1.      Siswa diminta mempelajari rencana materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.
2.      Siswa diminta mengerjakan tugas individu tentang recount teks sebagai tugas rumah.

·         Buku look Ahead 1
·         Buku developing English competencies
·         Gambar-gambar yang relevan
·         SI dan SKL

Indikator penilaian
Indikator pencapaian
Contoh instrumen
·    Gambaran umum
·    Informasi rinci tersurat / tersirat
·    Makna kata
·    Rujukan kata
·    Tujuan teks

Tes tertulis
Dalam bentuk essay
I think my first memories began when I started school at about five years old. I lived in a suburb of Sydney. I had a happy childhood.
I remember playing in a big garden. I fell from big tree and broke my hand. I remember I had naughty friend named Giant- O, because he was fat. He liked hitting and pulling my head. It was so pathetic.
One day I hit him over the head  with my bag. His parent were angry with me. But I didn’t felt sorry at all at that time. Nevertheless, since the Giant- O has become my good friends. It was such an unforgetable childhood.
1.      What is the main idea of this text ?
a.       I had a naughty friend named Giant- O
b.      My first memories began when I started school at about five years old
c.       I remember playing in a big garden
d.      I had a happy childhood
e.       He become my good friend
2.      Where was the writer lived?
a.       Suburb of Perth
b.      Near of Sydney
c.       Near Australia
d.      Suburb of Sydney
e.       Sydney and Perth
3.      I remember I had naughty friend named Giant- O, because he was fat. He liked hitting and pulling my head. He refers to……
a.       The writer
b.      Friends
c.       Giant- O
d.      Naughty friend
e.       Naughty
4.      It was so pathetic. The opposite of the underline word is…..
a.       Sad
b.      Interesting
c.       Afraid
d.      Dissapointed
e.       Happy
5.      What is the purpose of this text?
a.       To inform the reader about Giant- O
b.      To describe the reader about the memories of writer
c.       To explain the reader about his childhood
d.      To tell the reader about unforgetable childhood
e.       To inform the reader about unforgetable childhood

B Pedoman Penilaian
1.      Reading Scores ( setiap jawaban benar mendapat skor 20 : skor maksimum 100 )

Excellent (90-100)
Very Good









Mengetahui                                                                                             ........, .....................
Kepala Sekolah SMP .............                                                            Guru Mata Pelajaran                                                                                                                     .....................

Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answer.
Text 1
Bogor Botanic Garden
On Friday 16 March we went to Bogor Botanic Garden. We went there by bus and we arrived at that famous garden at 10 o’clock.
     Arriving at the garden, we were divided into two groups. Group A followed Mrs. Nina and Group B followed Mr. Ahmad. I was in group A. Well, first we went to odd tropical plants and Mrs. Nina read us some of the information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that, we went to a little spot near the Raffles cemetery and had morning tea. Next, we did some sketching and then we met group B at the information center to have our lunch.
         Soon, it was time for us to go to the orchid section while Group B did some research on flowers. Uhm…A lady led us to the orchid section. Then, she explained about many kinds of Orchids.
            Next, we had a look at the indonesian orchid. Wow…,we saw many kinds of Indonesian orchids. They were a beatiful. Later, we took a look at the America, European, and Asiaan orchids’s section. It was interesting. Soon afterwe had finished our observation, we went back outsides and met group B.Then, we got on the bus and returned to school. We really enjoyed the trip to Bogor Botanic Garden.

1.        What is the main idea of this text ?
a.       Went to Bogor Botanic garden.
b.      Bogor Botanic garden was interesting.
c.       Many kinds of Indonesian orchids.
d.      Enjoyed the trip in Bogor Botanic garden.
e.       Many kinds of flower in Bogor Botanic garden.
2.        When did they go to Bogor Botanic garden ?
a.       On Sunday march 16th
b.      On Sunday march 6th
c.       On Friday march 16th
d.      On Friday march 6th
e.       On Saturday march 16th
3.             Wow…,we saw many kinds of Indonesian orchids. They were a beatiful. They refers to….
a.       Indonesian.
b.      Beautiful.
c.       Kinds of Indonesian.
d.      The writer.
e.       Indonesian orchids.
4.  What is the synonim word of observation ….?
a.       Research
b.      See
c.       Look around
d.      Interview
e.       Information
5.    What is the purpose of the text ?
a.       To describe the reader about Bogor Botanic garden.
b.      To explain the reader about intesting place in Bogor
c.       To inform the reader that there was many kinds of flower
d.      To tell the reader about Bogor Botanic garden
e.       To tell the reader that there was find Europe orchids.

Text 2
I think my first memories began when I started school at about five years old. I lived in a suburb of Sydney. I had a happy childhood.
I remember playing in a big garden. I fell from big tree and broke my hand. I remember I had naughty friend named Giant- O, because he was fat. He liked hitting and pulling my head. It was so pathetic.
One day I hit him over the head  with my bag. His parent were angry with me. But I didn’t felt sorry at all at that time. Nevertheless, since the Giant- O has become my good friends. It was such an unforgetable childhood.

6.              What is the main idea of this text ?
a.       I had a naughty friend named Giant- O
b.      My first memories began when I started school at about five years old
c.       I remember playing in a big garden
d.      I had a happy childhood
e.       He become my good friend
7.              Where was the writer lived?
a.       Suburb of Perth
b.      Near of Sydney
c.       Near Australia
d.      Suburb of Sydney
e.       Sydney and Perth
8.      I remember I had naughty friend named Giant- O, because he was fat. He liked hitting and pulling my head. He refers to……
a.       The writer
b.      Friends
c.       Giant- O
d.      Naughty friend
e.       Naughty
9.      It was so pathetic. The opposite of the underline word is…..
a.       Sad
b.      Interesting
c.       Afraid
d.      Dissapointed
e.       Happy
10.            What is the purpose of this text?
a.       To inform the reader about Giant- O
b.      To describe the reader about the memories of writer
c.       To explain the reader about his childhood
d.      To tell the reader about unforgetable childhood
e.       To inform the reader about unforgetable childhood

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